

Bendor, R. and Lupetti, M.L. (2024). ‘Teaching speculative design’. International Journal of Technology and Design Education<\/em>. doi<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Bessai, R., Bendor, R. and Balkenende, R. (2024). \u2018Designing with more-than-human temporalities\u2019. In proceedings of the Design Research Society (DRS)<\/em> \u201924, June 24-28, 2024, Boston, US. doi<\/a><\/p>\n

Hamm, A., Shibuya, Y., Cerratto Pargman, T., Bendor, R., Raetzsch, C., Hendawy, M., Rehak, R., Klerks, G., Schouten, B., & Hansen, N.B., (2024). \u2018What means failure in Civic Tech? We need continued conversations about discontinuation\u2019. Interactions<\/em> 31(2): 34-38. doi<\/a><\/p>\n

Barendregt, L., Bendor, R. and van Eekelen, B. (2024). \u2018Public Participation in Futuring: A Systematic Literature Review\u2019. Futures<\/em> 158, Article 103346. doi<\/a><\/p>\n

Barendregt, L., Bendor, R. and van Eekelen, B. (2024). Teaching for Transformation: Lessons from Critical Pedagogy for Design Futures Education. Journal of Futures Studies <\/em>28(4): 123-128 (doi<\/a>)<\/p>\n


Bessai, R., Bendor, R. and Balkenende, R. (2023). \u2018Fit for Purpose: Four considerations of how matter becomes material\u2019. In proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Computing Within Limits (LIMITS) \u201923<\/em>, June 14-15, 2023. doi<\/a><\/p>\n

Hamm, A., Shibuya, Y., Cerratto Pargman, T., Bendor, R., Brodersen Hansen, N., Raetzsch, C., Shoji, M., Bieber, C., Hendawy, M., Klerks, G. and Schouten, B. (2023). Failed yet successful: Learning from discontinued civic tech initiatives. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems<\/em> (article no. 348). ACM. doi<\/a><\/p>\n


Turtle, G.L., Guerrero Millan, C., \u00d6z\u00e7etin, S., Patil, M., and Bendor, R. (2022) Sensing in the wild: A DCODE DRS Lab exploring a more-than-human approach to distributed urban sensing, in Lockton, D., Lloyd, P., Lenzi, S. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. doi<\/a><\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2022). \u2018Beyond the design code: Critical design and democratic rationalizations,\u2019 in D. Cressman (ed.) The Necessity of Critique: Andrew Feenberg and the Philosophy of Technology<\/em> (pp. 89-106). Cham: Springer.<\/p>\n

Farias, P.G., Bendor, R. & van Eekelen, B. (2022). \u2018Social dreaming together: A critical exploration of participatory speculative design\u2019. In proceedings of Participatory Design Conference (PDC) \u201922 (vol.2)<\/em>, August 19-September 2, 2022, Newcastle, UK. ACM.<\/p>\n


Bendor, R. (2021). Value Replacement Therapy: Imagining urban technologies otherwise. In E. Rijshouwer & L. van Zoonen (Eds.), Speculative Design Methods for Citizen Engagement in Smart Cities Research<\/em> (pp. 63-73). Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities.<\/p>\n

Goodwill, M., Bendor, R. & van der Bijl-Brouwer, M. (2021). \u2018Beyond good intentions: Towards a power literacy framework for service designers\u2019. International Journal of Design<\/em> 15(3): 45-59.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R., L. Nathan, M.L. Mauriello and O. Bates (2021). \u2018\u201cEverything in the forest is the forest\u201d: A Decade of the Sustainability in (Inter)Action forum\u2019. Interactions<\/em> 28(4): 65-67.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2021). \u2018Against Future Proofing\u2019. Volume<\/em> no. 59: 65-67.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2021). \u2018Transition or Transformation? The Mediated Meanings of Sustainability,\u2019 in F. Weder, L. Krainer & M. Karmasin (eds.) The Sustainability Communication Reader. A Reflective Compendium<\/em> (pp. 71-87). Cham: Springer.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R., Eriksson, E. and Pargman, D. (2021) Looking Backward to the Future: On past-facing approaches to futuring. Futures: The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies<\/em> 125, article 102666.<\/p>\n


Bendor, R. (2020). \u2018Speculative Design,\u2019 in A. van Boeijen, j. Daalhuizen & J. Zijlstra (eds.) Delft Design Guide: Perspectives-Models-Approaches-Methods<\/em> (revised edition) (pp. 30-31). Amsterdam: BiS Publishers.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2020). \u2018Trust me, I\u2019m a designer\u2019, in Up Close and Personal<\/em><\/a> (Design United eMagazine for Dutch Design Week, 2020).<\/p>\n


Lupetti, M. L., Bendor, R., & Giaccardi, E. (2019). Robot citizenship: a design perspective. In Proceedings of DeSForm’19<\/em>, October 9-11, 2019, Cambridge, MA, USA.<\/p>\n

Kihara, T., R. Bendor and D. Lomas (2019). \u2018Designing an Escape Room in the City for Public Engagement with AI-enhanced Surveillance\u2019. In\u00a0Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems<\/em>\u00a0(paper no. LBW1618). ACM.<\/p>\n

Bates, O., K. New, S. Mitchell-Finnigan, M.L. Mauriello, C. Remy, R. Bendor, S. Mann, S. Chopra, A.K. Clear, and C. Preist (2019). \u2018Towards a Responsible Innovation Agenda for HCI\u2019. In\u00a0Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems<\/em>\u00a0(paper no. W24). ACM<\/p>\n

Sadowski, J. and R. Bendor (2019). \u2018Selling Smartness: Corporate Narratives and the Smart City as a Sociotechnical Imaginary\u2019. Science, Technology, & Human Values <\/em>44(3): 540-563.<\/p>\n


Bendor, R. (2018). Interactive Media for Sustainability<\/em>.\u00a0Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R., A. van der Helm and T. Jaskiewicz (eds.) (2018). A Spectrum of Possibilities: A Catalog of Tools for Urban Citizenship in the Not-So-Far Future<\/em>. Delft: Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2018). \u2018Sustainability, Hope, and Designerly Action in the Anthropocene\u2019. Interactions<\/em> 25(3): 82-84.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2018). \u2018Interaction design for sustainability futures: Towards worldmaking interactions,\u2019 in M. Hazas & L. Nathan (eds.) Digital Technology and Sustainability: Engaging the Paradox<\/em> (pp. 205-216).<\/em> London & NY: Routledge.<\/p>\n


Bendor, R. (2017). \u2018Interactive World Disclosure (or, an Interface is not a Hammer),\u2019 in T. Markham & S. Rodgers (eds.) Conditions of Mediation: Phenomenological Approaches to Media<\/em> (pp. 211-221). New York: Peter Lang.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R., D. Maggs, R. Peake, J. Robinson and S. Williams. (2017). \u2018The imaginary worlds of sustainability: Observations from an interactive art installation. Ecology and Society<\/em> 22(2), article 17.<\/p>\n


Bendor, R. (2016). \u2018Mashnotes,\u2019 in E. Gordon & P. Milhailidis (eds.) Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice<\/em> (pp. 321-326). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (also available as part of the Civic Media Project<\/a>)<\/p>\n


Vervoort, J.M., R. Bendor, A. Kelliher, O. Strik and A. Helfgott. (2015). \u2018Scenarios and the Art of Worldmaking\u2019. Futures: The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies<\/em> 74: 62-70.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R., J. Anacleto, D. Facey, S. Fels, T. Herron, D. Maggs, R. Peake, J. Robinson, M. Robinson, J. Salter, S. Sheppard, O. Vattanawong, A. Wang and S. Williams (2015). \u2018Sustainability in an Imaginary World.\u2019 Interactions<\/em> 22(5): 54-57.<\/p>\n


Bendor, R. and N. Thomas (2014). \u2018Edgerank,\u2019 in K. Harvey (ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics<\/em> (pp. 434-435). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.<\/p>\n

Silberman, M. Six, B. Knowles, L. Nathan, R. Bendor, A. Clear, M. Hakansson, T. Dilahunt and J. Mankoff (2014). \u2018Next Steps for Sustainable HCI.\u2019 Interactions<\/em> 21(5): 66-69.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2014). \u2018Designing Interactive Ethical Spectacles for Sustainability\u2019. Position paper written for the SIGCHI workshop on HCI & Sustainability, CHI 2014<\/em>.<\/p>\n


Bendor, R. (2013).\u00a0New Media and the Turn to Experience in Environmental Communication<\/em> (PhD dissertation). Available here<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2013). \u2018The role of experience in the Critical Theory of Technology.\u2019 Techne\u0301: Research in Philosophy and Technology<\/em> 17(1): 47-71.<\/p>\n

2012 and earlier<\/strong><\/p>\n

Bendor, R., S. Haas Lyons and J. Robinson (2012). \u2018What\u2019s There Not to \u2018like\u2019? The Technical Affordances of Sustainability Deliberations on Facebook.\u2019 Journal of E-Democracy and Open Government<\/em> 4(1): 67-88.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2012). \u2018Analytic and Deictic Approaches to the Design of Sustainability Decision-Making Tools.\u2019 Proceedings of iConference \u201812<\/em>, Toronto, Canada, pp.215-222.<\/p>\n

Landesman, O. and R. Bendor (2011). \u2018Animated Recollection and Spectatorial Experience in Waltz with Bashir.\u2019 Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal<\/em> 6(3): 313-330.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2007). \u2018On Cannibalists and Sociolinguistics: Cultural Cannibalism as a Critical Theory of Hybridity,\u2019 in E. Anchimbe (ed.) Linguistic Identities in Postcolonial Multilingual Spaces<\/em> (pp. 265-284). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2006). \u2018Digesting Globalization: Demarcation, Hybridization and Power.\u2019 TRANS: Internet-Zeitschrift fu\u0308r Kulturwissenschaften<\/em> (no.16).<\/p>\n

Bendor, R. (2006). Review of \u2018Appropriating Technology: Vernacular Science and Social Power.\u2019 Canadian Journal of Communication<\/em> 31(3): 770-772.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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