After skipping 2017, the next iteration of the ICT4S conference will take place in just under a year in Toronto.
The keynote speakers – Bill Rees, Lisa Nathan and John Robinson – are fantastic, and I have the pleasure of serving on the organizing committee (poster co-chair).
Here’s the call for papers (it never hurts to plan ahead ;-)
Call for Papers, Workshops and Posters
The ICT4S conferences bring together leading researchers in ICT for Sustainability with government and industry representatives, including decision-makers with an interest in using ICT for sustainability, researchers focusing on ICT effects on sustainability and developers of sustainable ICT systems or applications.
Theme and Topics
The theme of the 2018 conference is “Thriving Communities”. The transformational power of ICT is essential to put our society on the path to sustainability. This potential could embrace all levels, from individuals to communities, from public sector to all industry sectors, from business goals to social aspirations and environmental objectives. ICT can bring people together to build thriving, resilient communities. Papers relating to ICT for sustainability in a broad sense and papers developing this year’s theme (and beyond) are welcome. Instructions for all types of submissions can also be found at the conference website.
Conference topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Sustainable community building via ICT
- Grassroots movements facilitated by ICT
- Resilience by ICT
- Social sustainability implications, contributions and limitations of ICT
- Enabling and systemic effects of ICT on society and/or the environment
- Smart cities, homes and offices
- Intelligent energy management in buildings
- Smart grids
- Sustainability in data centers and high-performance computing
- Intelligent transportation and logistics
- Green networking, monitoring and adaptation of software-intensive systems and services
- ICT-induced behavioral and societal change
- Design principles for sustainable ICT
- Energy-efficient and energy-aware software engineering
- Sustainability of technical infrastructures
- Software for environmental sustainable ICT
- Software for sustainable business governance
- Reduced hardware obsolescence
- E-waste and closed material cycles
- Incentives for more sustainable ICT
- Tools supporting green decision making and development
- Challenges for an environmentally sustainable ICT industry
- Education in ICT for sustainability
- Systematic interdisciplinary efforts in ICT for sustainability
We invite workshop proposals of traditional or unconventional formats for half-day or full-day workshops. Workshops will be held on Monday, May 14, and Friday, May 18, 2018.
ICT4S’18 workshops will facilitate the exchange of new ideas in all areas related to sustainability and technology research and practice. A variety of formats can be considered, ranging from traditional research paper presentations to extremely interactive and participatory sessions. We particularly invite proposals that cover controversial viewpoints, emerging technology drivers or transformative ideas aimed at changing basic assumptions.
Details of what should be addressed in the proposal and a more detailed description of the submission process will be posted on the website soon.
We welcome original papers and posters reporting on research, development, case studies, and experience reports in the field of ICT4S.
All papers must conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines, and limited to at most 6,500 words, and 10 pages including text, appendices, figures and references. The current Word template and LaTeX files will be linked on the website soon.
Submission will be via EasyChair at
There will be an open access publication for the conference indexed by all major data bases.
Journals First Track
We invite authors of recently published journals papers to present their work at ICT4S. Journals First papers should relate to ICT4S and describe original and previously unpublished results that significantly extend (or were not previously reported in) prior work. Papers that are extensions of previous conference papers, or which are minor enhancements or variants of the results presented in the prior work are not eligible.
For a journal paper to be eligible to participate, the paper must be:
- In scope of the conference, see above for possible topics;
- Accepted in one of the journals listed on this page;
- Accepted for publication after May 15, 2016 and before November 15, 2017.
If you would like us to consider a paper published in another journal of equal reputation to those presented in the list on our website, please contact the Program Chair.
We invite submissions of high-quality extended abstracts for posters. Posters may present late-breaking research or work in progress. A poster can help attract interest and give a rapid overview of what your research is all about. At the conference, the work described in the extended abstract will be presented as a poster, ideally in interactive discussion with the audience. We especially welcome posters that describe proposed empirical studies. An attachment with a maximum of 2 additional pages must be included in the submission. The attachment must clearly state how the work described in the extended abstract is to be presented at the conference, emphasizing interaction potential and explaining how an engaging participant experience will be achieved. More details will be available on the website soon.
Important Dates
Workshop proposals
Proposal submission deadline: Oct 15 2017
Proposal acceptance notification: Oct 22 2017
Paper & Journals First submissions
Abstracts deadline: Nov 7 2017
Full papers deadline: Nov 15 2017
Paper acceptance notification: Feb 1 2018
Camera-ready deadline: Mar 1 2018
Submission deadline: Feb 15 2018
Poster acceptance notification: Mar 15 2018