
All posts for the month February, 2020

I’ve had the honour and pleasure of participating in the symposium that marked TU Delft’s 178th birthday. This year’s symposium was organized by the Delft Design for Values Institute, and included keynotes from Batya Friedman and Marco Steinberg (both received an honourary doctorate).

(photo by Roy Borghouts)

My short talk, one of three ‘pitches’ on the topic of value dynamics, argued that future-proofing (the idea that designers can fully hedge against future uncertainty) was both hubristic and uninspiring.

what if instead of framing design as anticipatory problem-solving, we considered it a form of imaginative wayfinding? What if instead of trying to tame the future, designers embraced its uncertainty?

The entire symposium can be viewed here. My talk starts at 1:22:20.

In conversation with Ibo van de Poel (left) and Batya Friedman (right).
(photo by Roy Borghouts)