I’ll be giving a talk about sustainable interaction design, February 27th, at the Centre for Digital Media.
Here’s the abstract:
What’s Next for Sustainable Interaction Design?
Since the mid-1980s, sustainability has become a major concern for architects, industrial designers and technology creators. In the field of Human-computer Interaction (HCI), this is most evident in the rising popularity of sustainable interaction design (SID), a design and research programme that emphasizes the links between interactive technologies and the use of resources. This talk will trace the (brief) history, objectives and limitations of SID, and through a re-evaluation of what sustainability means, suggest possible paths for its future. We will discuss the ways in which interactive design may support better management of resources; encourage users to adopt more sustainable lifestyles; engage and empower users to take an active part in decision-making related to sustainability; and provoke users to collectively consider and pursue a more sustainable future.