Giaccardi, E. and Bendor, R. (eds., 2024). Rethink Design: A Vocabulary for Designing with AI. Delft: TU Delft Open. doi
Bendor, R. and Lupetti, M.L. (2024). ‘Teaching speculative design’. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. doi.
Bessai, R., Bendor, R. and Balkenende, R. (2024). ‘Designing with more-than-human temporalities’. In proceedings of the Design Research Society (DRS) ’24, June 24-28, 2024, Boston, US. doi
Hamm, A., Shibuya, Y., Cerratto Pargman, T., Bendor, R., Raetzsch, C., Hendawy, M., Rehak, R., Klerks, G., Schouten, B., & Hansen, N.B., (2024). ‘What means failure in Civic Tech? We need continued conversations about discontinuation’. Interactions 31(2): 34-38. doi
Barendregt, L., Bendor, R. and van Eekelen, B. (2024). ‘Public Participation in Futuring: A Systematic Literature Review’. Futures 158, Article 103346. doi
Barendregt, L., Bendor, R., & van Eekelen, B. (2024). Teaching for Transformation: Lessons from Critical Pedagogy for Design Futures Education. Journal of Futures Studies, 28(4), 123-128. doi
Bessai, R., Bendor, R. and Balkenende, R. (2023). ‘Fit for Purpose: Four considerations of how matter becomes material’. In proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Computing Within Limits (LIMITS) ’23, June 14-15, 2023. doi
Hamm, A., Shibuya, Y., Cerratto Pargman, T., Bendor, R., Brodersen Hansen, N., Raetzsch, C., Shoji, M., Bieber, C., Hendawy, M., Klerks, G. and Schouten, B. (2023). Failed yet successful: Learning from discontinued civic tech initiatives. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (article no. 348). ACM. doi
Turtle, G.L., Guerrero Millan, C., Özçetin, S., Patil, M., and Bendor, R. (2022) Sensing in the wild: A DCODE DRS Lab exploring a more-than-human approach to distributed urban sensing, in Lockton, D., Lloyd, P., Lenzi, S. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. doi
Bendor, R. (2022). ‘Beyond the design code: Critical design and democratic rationalizations,’ in D. Cressman (ed.) The Necessity of Critique: Andrew Feenberg and the Philosophy of Technology (pp. 89-106). Cham: Springer.
Farias, P.G., Bendor, R. & van Eekelen, B. (2022). ‘Social dreaming together: A critical exploration of participatory speculative design’. In proceedings of Participatory Design Conference (PDC) ’22 (vol.2), August 19-September 2, 2022, Newcastle, UK. ACM.
Bendor, R. (2021). Value Replacement Therapy: Imagining urban technologies otherwise. In E. Rijshouwer & L. van Zoonen (Eds.), Speculative Design Methods for Citizen Engagement in Smart Cities Research (pp. 63-73). Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities.
Goodwill, M., Bendor, R. & van der Bijl-Brouwer, M. (2021). ‘Beyond good intentions: Towards a power literacy framework for service designers’. International Journal of Design 15(3): 45-59.
Bendor, R., L. Nathan, M.L. Mauriello and O. Bates (2021). ‘“Everything in the forest is the forest”: A Decade of the Sustainability in (Inter)Action forum’. Interactions 28(4): 65-67.
Bendor, R. (2021). ‘Against Future Proofing’. Volume no. 59: 65-67.
Bendor, R. (2021). ‘Transition or Transformation? The Mediated Meanings of Sustainability,’ in F. Weder, L. Krainer & M. Karmasin (eds.) The Sustainability Communication Reader. A Reflective Compendium (pp. 71-87). Cham: Springer.
Bendor, R., Eriksson, E. and Pargman, D. (2021) Looking Backward to the Future: On past-facing approaches to futuring. Futures: The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies 125, article 102666.
Bendor, R. (2020). ‘Speculative Design,’ in A. van Boeijen, j. Daalhuizen & J. Zijlstra (eds.) Delft Design Guide: Perspectives-Models-Approaches-Methods (revised edition) (pp. 30-31). Amsterdam: BiS Publishers.
Bendor, R. (2020). ‘Trust me, I’m a designer’, in Up Close and Personal (Design United eMagazine for Dutch Design Week, 2020).
Lupetti, M. L., Bendor, R., & Giaccardi, E. (2019). Robot citizenship: a design perspective. In Proceedings of DeSForm’19, October 9-11, 2019, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Kihara, T., R. Bendor and D. Lomas (2019). ‘Designing an Escape Room in the City for Public Engagement with AI-enhanced Surveillance’. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (paper no. LBW1618). ACM.
Bates, O., K. New, S. Mitchell-Finnigan, M.L. Mauriello, C. Remy, R. Bendor, S. Mann, S. Chopra, A.K. Clear, and C. Preist (2019). ‘Towards a Responsible Innovation Agenda for HCI’. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (paper no. W24). ACM
Sadowski, J. and R. Bendor (2019). ‘Selling Smartness: Corporate Narratives and the Smart City as a Sociotechnical Imaginary’. Science, Technology, & Human Values 44(3): 540-563.
Bendor, R. (2018). Interactive Media for Sustainability. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bendor, R., A. van der Helm and T. Jaskiewicz (eds.) (2018). A Spectrum of Possibilities: A Catalog of Tools for Urban Citizenship in the Not-So-Far Future. Delft: Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology.
Bendor, R. (2018). ‘Sustainability, Hope, and Designerly Action in the Anthropocene’. Interactions 25(3): 82-84.
Bendor, R. (2018). ‘Interaction design for sustainability futures: Towards worldmaking interactions,’ in M. Hazas & L. Nathan (eds.) Digital Technology and Sustainability: Engaging the Paradox (pp. 205-216). London & NY: Routledge.
Bendor, R. (2017). ‘Interactive World Disclosure (or, an Interface is not a Hammer),’ in T. Markham & S. Rodgers (eds.) Conditions of Mediation: Phenomenological Approaches to Media (pp. 211-221). New York: Peter Lang.
Bendor, R., D. Maggs, R. Peake, J. Robinson and S. Williams. (2017). ‘The imaginary worlds of sustainability: Observations from an interactive art installation. Ecology and Society 22(2), article 17.
Bendor, R. (2016). ‘Mashnotes,’ in E. Gordon & P. Milhailidis (eds.) Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice (pp. 321-326). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (also available as part of the Civic Media Project)
Vervoort, J.M., R. Bendor, A. Kelliher, O. Strik and A. Helfgott. (2015). ‘Scenarios and the Art of Worldmaking’. Futures: The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies 74: 62-70.
Bendor, R., J. Anacleto, D. Facey, S. Fels, T. Herron, D. Maggs, R. Peake, J. Robinson, M. Robinson, J. Salter, S. Sheppard, O. Vattanawong, A. Wang and S. Williams (2015). ‘Sustainability in an Imaginary World.’ Interactions 22(5): 54-57.
Bendor, R. and N. Thomas (2014). ‘Edgerank,’ in K. Harvey (ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics (pp. 434-435). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Silberman, M. Six, B. Knowles, L. Nathan, R. Bendor, A. Clear, M. Hakansson, T. Dilahunt and J. Mankoff (2014). ‘Next Steps for Sustainable HCI.’ Interactions 21(5): 66-69.
Bendor, R. (2014). ‘Designing Interactive Ethical Spectacles for Sustainability’. Position paper written for the SIGCHI workshop on HCI & Sustainability, CHI 2014.
Bendor, R. (2013). New Media and the Turn to Experience in Environmental Communication (PhD dissertation). Available here.
Bendor, R. (2013). ‘The role of experience in the Critical Theory of Technology.’ Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 17(1): 47-71.
2012 and earlier
Bendor, R., S. Haas Lyons and J. Robinson (2012). ‘What’s There Not to ‘like’? The Technical Affordances of Sustainability Deliberations on Facebook.’ Journal of E-Democracy and Open Government 4(1): 67-88.
Bendor, R. (2012). ‘Analytic and Deictic Approaches to the Design of Sustainability Decision-Making Tools.’ Proceedings of iConference ‘12, Toronto, Canada, pp.215-222.
Landesman, O. and R. Bendor (2011). ‘Animated Recollection and Spectatorial Experience in Waltz with Bashir.’ Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 6(3): 313-330.
Bendor, R. (2007). ‘On Cannibalists and Sociolinguistics: Cultural Cannibalism as a Critical Theory of Hybridity,’ in E. Anchimbe (ed.) Linguistic Identities in Postcolonial Multilingual Spaces (pp. 265-284). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Bendor, R. (2006). ‘Digesting Globalization: Demarcation, Hybridization and Power.’ TRANS: Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften (no.16).
Bendor, R. (2006). Review of ‘Appropriating Technology: Vernacular Science and Social Power.’ Canadian Journal of Communication 31(3): 770-772.